Colin White

Born 28 Oct 1960
Missing from Oldham UK since 28 Feb 2002 and thought to be in Ireland particularly Cork.

Colin White is from Oldham Lees UK and is 41 years old and of slim build, 5ft 11 in height, clean shaven with short brown hair and blue eyes. Mark over right eye. He may be wearing dark blue jeans and a blue Berghaus waterproof jacket with white shoulder stripes. Colin loves cooking and will stand out in Ireland with his Lancashire accent. He might have taken temporary work in a pub or restaurant while he takes time out to contemplate life and clear his head. His father was seriously ill and would love to have seen him again while he still could but sadly he died at the end of May 2002. He may be in Ireland and he had a particular interest in Cork.

If you come across him can you get him to contact home or contact Oldham Police on 0044-161-8568927 or or the National Missing Persons UK Helpline at 0044 -20-8392 4545 ( from UK 0500 700 700 ) or any Garda Station or the Missing Persons Helpline Ireland number at 021- 4309557.