Guestbook Message

Name: Tina Riche
City: El paso
County: Texas
Country: USA

Born: Febuary 12, 1951

Last seen in El Paso, Texas in July 19, 1997.
Called from a payphone to relatives to say that his life was being threatened. He has not been seen or heard from since then.
5’4 BROWN HAIR CUT NECK LENGTH- was losing his hair and turning gray.

He liked to wear… Blue Jeans – pull over shirts- sport shoes

Sam is a loving person and love’s children and likes to work with his hands, building things, his favourite thing to do was cooking for a past time.. Was a great cook

NCIC: M0404001 Mission Valley PD { El Paso, Texas county}. 1-915-872-3656

Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse 1-800-346-3243
Center for Missing Adults 1-800-690-FIND

Date: 4/22/2004